company about us

დემაქს ჯგუფი

About “Demax Group”

Demax Group is one of the leading development companies in Georgia. It appeared on the Georgian real estate market in 2012 and, thanks to the quality of construction projects, established a worthy place in a short time. Through the joint efforts of professional developers, architects, designers and managers, “Demax Group” has established a new quality standard in the Georgian construction market, thus having a significant impact on the development of the industry. The company from the very beginning aimed to create a quiet and comfortable environment for the residents. Thanks to the professional team of “Demax Group”, residential complexes were built in the central part of Tbilisi, as well as in the suburbs.
Experience and quality
In the construction industry “Demax Group” is distinguished by many years of experience and professional self-discipline. The reputation of the developer is based on the quality of construction, timely delivery of the project, energy efficient solutions and innovative approaches. The company is actively working on the introduction of the ISO standard. Based on all this, Demax Group has established itself as a reliable business partner in the development market.


Professional approach and values

Residential apartment is carefully planned.
At all stages of its activities, the company cares about the comfort and safety of its residents, as well as the environment. When planning construction projects, “Demax Group” carefully chooses:
* Environment in which the apartment is to be built
* Safe construction materials
* Energy efficient innovation solutions

Directly in the construction process, Demax Group attaches crucial importance to the following factors:
* Involvement of qualified specialists
* Use of modern and energy efficient technologies
* Creating maximum comfort in the interests of potential buyers
* Active monitoring of the quality of construction work
* Offering flexible payment services

Demax Group projects

Each project has its own signature.
At the moment, the company is building a premium-class residential complex “Demax Vake” in Vake, 250 meters from Chavchavadze Avenue, N22 Kipshidze. Also, the current project is Demax Saburtalo, which is being built at Anna Politkovskaya N2b.
When designing, “Demax Group” pays special attention to the needs of residents. The architectural solution includes both residential, leisure and recreational spaces, which is a prerequisite for a quiet and comfortable life in the center of the city.
Convenient underground parking is provided in all buildings. When planning, the first floor of the buildings is provided for the facilities needed by the population.



The success of Demax Group in the Georgian real estate market is also due to its strong and reliable partners.
Collaboration with leading financial institutions, product and service providers, developers and other contactors has enabled Demax Group to offer outstanding construction quality and services to its residents.


Why “Demax Group”?

Demax Group is a team of professionals who see their mission in creating the perfect living environment. It is a responsible company that makes architectural decisions based on the conditions tailored to the needs of the residents, ecological safety and urban planning. We take care of your calm and harmonious life.

თბილისი, ააფაქიძის 11
company about us

„დემაქს ჯჯგუფი“ ერთ-ერთი წამყვანი დეველოპერული კომპანიაა საქართველოში. ის უძრავი ქონების ქართულ ბაზარზე 2012 წელს გამოჩნდა და სამშენებლო პროექტების ხარისხის დამსახურებით, მოკლე დროში დაიმკვიდრა ღირსეული ადგილი. პროფესიონალი დეველოპერების, არქიტექტორების, დიზაინერებისა და მენეჯერების ერთიანი ძალისხმევით, „დემაქს ჯგუფმა“ ქართულ სამშენებლო ბაზარზე ხარისხის ახალი სტანდარტი დაამკვიდრა, რითაც ინდუსტრიის განვითარებაზე მნიშვნელოვანი გავლენა მოახდინა. კომპანიამ თავიდანვე მიზნად დაისახა მობინადრეებისთვის მშვიდი და კომფორტული გარემო შეექმნა. „დემაქს ჯგუფის“ პროფესიონალი გუნდის დამსახურებით, საცხოვრებელი კომპლექსები აშენდა თბილისის როგორც ცენტრალურ ნაწილში, ასევე, გარეუბნებში.


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